Lives and assets can be saved when people are warned of approaching extreme weather
The earlier the heads up, the more time for people to take life-saving action.
- 24 hours’ notice of an impending hazard can reduce damage and loss by 30%
- Nearly 6x less people killed by disasters in countries with substantial or comprehensive multi-hazard early warning than those where it’s limited
- Almost 5x fewer people affected by disasters where countries have strong multi-hazard early warning coverage
Without early warning systems or services, the poorest and most vulnerable people are left especially exposed by the climate crisis.
- 60% of people in Africa unprotected by early warning systems
- 1 person killed by a natural hazard every 13 minutes in Asia
- $22.5 billion of direct damages from weather and climate hazards in the Caribbean
Maximizing CREWS’s contributions to Early Warning For ALL
Our work addresses all four components necessary for timely, accurate early warning reaching everyone at risk.
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