Reaching impoverished Haitian farmers with early warnings
In a country where almost half the 11.7 million population don’t have enough to eat, and another 1.8 million people are highly food insecure – a more productive agricultural sector is critical to tackle hunger. More than 40% of the workforce is employed in agriculture, which also accounts for 20% of the national GDP. Yet the sector suffers from weather and climate impacts that exacerbate hunger. CREWS Haiti is supporting the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry to develop early warning services for an estimated 19,000 subsistence or small-scale farmers. Information from mapping farmers in Petite Rivière de l’Artibonite – one of the poorest and most natural hazard-prone areas – will be used to create a farmers’ register. It will provide easily accessible details on producers in the region so they can be reached with targeted and timely hydrometeorological information. Greater yields for a more food-secure Haiti.