national plans, strategies and laws on early warning developed with CREWS support and approved so far (in 2023 11 countries). 241 risk data tools or products for early warning have been enhanced through 18 CREWS projects since 2017.
forecasting and prediction products have been developed and/or tailored to user needs. About 40% of CREWS projects develop longer term seasonal predictions services aligned with the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS).
million people in 45 countries with access to forecasts and early warning services developed or improved with CREWS support since 2017 (125 million in 2023 in 19 countries)
countries affected by conflict or fragility, supported by CREWS
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), operational preparedness and anticipatory action plans linked to prediction and warning services have been developed, updated, through CREWS projects. 47 countries have received CREWS support to develop CAP compliant warning since 2022
million $ received or pledged by 12 CREWS Members
Based on figures from the 2023 CREWS Annual Report