The project has been prepared on the assumption that the basic services developed and/or strengthened during the first phase of CREWS will be reinforced at National level (seasonal and daily forecasts, ten-day agrometeorological reports, etc.). More specialized services (such as flood forecasting systems, customized agrometeorological information services, early warning reports to anticipate impacts, etc.) will be provided to selected areas that will be identified on the basis of the following criteria: (i) presence of specific hydrometeorological natural hazards; (ii) exposure of populations and critical infrastructures (urban areas, road dams, irrigation, transport, hospitals, schools, etc.); and (iii) likelihood of natural disasters, and (iii) the presence of investment projects that would enable hydrometeorological services to be strengthened and used optimally (particularly for urban dwellers, farmers, livestock breeders, fishermen, hydroelectric power producers, aviation and other transport-related sectors, the extractive industries, local government, micro-insurance and town planners).