No one-size-fits-all all – engaging communities for tailored action
With conflict and fragility wreaking havoc in a region where human resilience to natural hazards is at best minimal, early warning for vulnerable people and communities in rural and urban areas can make a real difference. Whether it is building district-level flood management or alert dissemination capacity in Ethiopia – paying particular attention to warning access among women often without tools or means to receive them – or reaching last mile communities including farmers and pastoralists in Somalia with tailored services – CREWS Greater Horn of Africa puts people at the heart of its work. Communities in remote and urban areas will be reached to define their early warning needs and access solutions. They won’t only be listened to. They will co-develop solutions and services. Red Cross and Red Crescent knowledge and community-based volunteer networks in each country will be key. CREWS will also draw upon NGOs in Somalia to build drought resilience.