Guinea’s resilience during changing times
Guinea has recently undergone an institutional change. The DNM (National Directorate for Meteorology) has changed into an independent agency, the ANM (National Agency for Meteorology). This institutional change has engendered several activities to make the ANM a functional institution. WMO intends to support these activities through advisory support and technical support. To support the implementation of technical equipment and the continued execution of the improvement of the ANM. the AFD and the government of Guinea have agreed on an investment for the project Reinforcement of meteorological and climatological services (CLIMAGUI). It is aimed at improving the equipment and provide training to the staff on the use of new equipment to facilitate improved management of observations, data management, forecasting and service delivery.
Additionally, the UNDP/GEF has completed a project in Guinea to strengthen climate information and early warning systems for climate resilient development and adaptation from 2019 to 2023. However, the project’s success depends on ANM Guinea’s readiness to utilize the equipment and human capacity. CREWS West Africa is working to increase national hydromet services capacity for early warning systems. The project’s success can be sustained by a supportive institutional framework and internet access.