One of CREWS’s key goals in the Pacific SIDS Regional multi-year project is to support the development of bills and legislation for meteorology, hydrology, and disaster management.
On Thursday, 23 May 2024, the Parliament of Fiji approved the Fiji Meteorological and Hydrological Services Bill or the Meteorological and Hydrological Act 2024 which indicates a strong commitment to improve the services and a great leap in the early warning system. The Fiji NDMO underlined that the Bill will improve their ability to predict and monitor natural hazards so that the disastrous aftermath of disasters such as floods, storms, and droughts are mitigated.
As a recipient country of the CREWS Pacific SIDS Regional multi-year project, Fiji has recognized the importance of having robust meteorological and hydrological systems to ensure effective and accurate distribution of information from the Fiji Met Service, with a concrete legal framework ensuring accountability of relevant institutions. With strong and long-lasting commitment from pertinent stakeholders of Fiji, the meteorological and hydrological services, especially the early warning system, will head forward expeditiously, aligning with the CREWS goal 2027.
RE: FijiNDMO available at