Access funding

The CREWS initiative facilitates access to financing through 3 modalities to support all ODA-eligible LDCs and SIDS countries on early warning systems and services.  

Multi-year projects

  • For countries and regions to establish or strengthen early warning systems and services  
  • Country projects: budget approximately USD 3 – 5 million for 3 – 5 years.
  • Regional project: budget approximately USD 5 – 7 million for 5 – 7 years.
  • Submission by Implementing Partners with country or regional intergovernmental organizations endorsement.
  • Steering Committee Members make final decision 

Accelerated Support Window – ASW

  • Provides small-scale, short-term assistance and advisory services 
  • Up to USD 250 000 for a maximum of 12 months
  • 6-week simplified approval process 
  • Submission: (1) directly by the country; (2) by Implementing Partners with a country endorsement letter
  • Steering Committee Members make final decision 

Green Climate Fund/Simplified Approval Process/CREWS Scaling Up Framework for Early Warning

  • Provides fast-track access to GCF finance through its Simplified Approval Process (SAP) 
  • Maximum budget USD 25 million per project
  • GCF procedure apply  


  • Countries with successful CREWS programmes 
  • Proposed action to have major potential to amplify and reinforce CREWS-supported achievements 
  • Greater scope geographically and in number of people reached  
  • Strengthen institutions to provide more effective early warning services